Transcript: Bags 2 Riches - Chris Boucher

>> Chris Boucher: My game is kind of like what a dream I’m going to make when it gets to the new country.

[Chris Boucher stands on the practice basketball court, wearing headphones, dribbling, about to shoot the basketball.

[Chris, dribbling the ball, runs towards the net as an opponent tries to block him.]

>> Chris Boucher: There’s a lot of things that you’re not familiar. There’s a lot of stuff that comes fast.

[Chris Boucher sits speaking on a darkened basketball court, a single basketball on the floor in the background. The scene is repeated throughout.]

[On the practice basketball court, opponent dribbling the ball and stops to listen as Chris is talking.]

>> Chris Boucher: But you don’t really know how to carry yourself.

>> Chris Boucher: I feel like my career was kinda like this where I had to learn every step of the way.

[Chris, in a yellow Santa Cruz Warriors uniform, receives a pass from a teammate and jumps to dunk the basketball in front of a stadium of fans.]

>> Chris Boucher: And get better, and adjust, and adapt.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: And I feel like a lot of immigrants, when they come to Canada, that’s pretty much what they’re going through.

[Action shots of Chris Boucher dunking basketballs for Santa Cruz Warriors.]

>> Chris Boucher: They just have to adapt.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: You gotta figure out how much work you’re willing to put and how much adjustment you're able to do.

[Chris Boucher, walks down a long, dark hallway, gently passing a basketball back and forth between his hands.]

>> Chris Boucher: It’s on you to do all that.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I think that’s the same thing in my career.

[Chris Boucher stands on a darkened basketball court, gently passing a basketball back and forth between his hands.]

>> Chris Boucher: My name is Chris Boucher.

[Chris Boucher stands on a darkened basketball court, staring into the camera, the words “Chris Boucher, NBA Champion, Toronto Raptors” appear in the bottom right corner.]

[Action still of Chris Boucher in Raptors uniform, first setting up to dunk a basketball, then running while dribbling a basketball scroll.]

>> Chris Boucher: Catch my story on “Bags 2 Riches”.

[Close-up of Chris Boucher sitting on a darkened basketball court.]


[Title: Bags 2 Riches]

>> Chris Boucher: I was born in St. Lucia, Castries, Caribbean, right beside Martinique.

[Images of island landscape scroll - the mountains, houses, a large cruise ship.)

>> Chris Boucher: Barbados, Sint Maarten.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: My mom just wanted a better life for her kids.

[Photograph of infant Chris kissing his mother’s cheek.]

>> Chris Boucher: The opportunities and resources.

[Photographs of Chris as an infant and young child cycle through. First, an infant Chris in a high chair, mouth agape. Next, a toddler-aged Chris holding three paintbrushes.]

>> Chris Boucher: She knows what’s right for us.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Mary McVane: I pick up my, before my family, and go.

[Mary McVane in an interview setting, is seated in a white residential hallway, looking just off camera. This scene is repeated throughout.]

>> Mary McVane: You just have to have the guts, and the strength, and the courage to just pick up and go.

[Close-up: Mary McVane speaking in interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: Moving to Canada, eight years old is a culture shock.

[Aerial view of a neighbourhood of snow-covered single-family houses, followed by downtown Montreal buildings faintly visible behind driving snow. The words “Montreal Canada” appear in the centre of the screen.]

>> Mary McVane: The cold weather is the one thing you remember.

[Driving snow falls rapidly on to already snow-laden hydro wires, street lamp post, and tree branches. Close-up of Mary.]

>> Chris Boucher: We didn’t really have money, and I remember going to school and I remember they were making fun of it, how I was dressed.

[Mary, in her home, is sorting through boxes. Two shirts on hangers are moved. Mary sorts through photographs. Mary stops on a photograph of Chris, as middle-aged child, with a shaved head, dressed in a brown suit with a white shirt and grey tie, a smile on his face.]

>> Chris Boucher: And for me, I was like, I’m wearing the pants, I’m wearing a t-shirt, and I was like, what's the problem?

[Chris, dressed in a swirled multi-colour hooded sweatshirt, sits in front of a paned glass wall, the Toronto skyline in the background.]

>> Chris Boucher: And you know, they were laughing ‘cause my pants were like —

[Mary, in her home, stands smiling at a picture.]

>> Chris Boucher: — too small, and whatever.

[Close-up of the photograph of younger Chris, wearing a brown suit. Mary gently runs her fingers over the photograph, clearing a small path of dust with her finger.]

>> Chris Boucher: Sports, I always love sports.

[Video of several people on an outdoor rink, wearing hockey skates, carrying hockey sticks. Another person stands on skates in front of a hockey net.]

>> Chris Boucher: If we’re playing hockey today —

[Blurred video of several adults playing hockey on an outdoor rink. The puck off to the right of the screen, the adults skate towards it.]

>> Chris Boucher: — we’re playing hockey. If we’re playing soccer.

[Close-up of Chris Boucher speaking in on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I was just open to whatever.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Mary McVane: He cannot sit still.

[A photograph of a young Chris wearing a black sweatshirt with white stripes at the shoulders standing holding a black, white, and red basketball in his left hand in front of a rickety fence post with wire; water in the background.

>> Mary McVane: He has to do something.

[Photograph of a young Chris looking forward, wearing a black shirt with light blue letters spelling “Starter” on the front, his hands crossed in front of him.]

>> Mary McVane: And I think it’s just a amount of energy he had.

[Five adults, three wearing blue jerseys and two wearing red, all wearing togues and shorts with long socks, play soccer in the snow. The ball drops and two opposing players run for it. An adult wearing a long-sleeved blue jersey with a white number “8” on the back, kicks a soccer ball in the snow, towards a net, while two opposing players in stand together to block the shot. Two players from opposite teams tousle for position close to the net. The ball approaches the net and the goalie makes a jumping dive attempt to his right, and the ball sails over his hands into the net.]

>>Mary McVane: That’s why he was going for sports.

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I got gravitated to basketball, and then, I really started realizing the stuff that I could do and how I could use my height.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: From 18, 19. And I was like, okay, well, this is something I could do, for real.

[A basketball net stands still against the tops of large, waving trees behind; the sun shining down. A faded painted white circle on the pavement with the shadow of a basketball net cast on to it.]

>> Chris Boucher:  I remember when my parents splitted, it was my mom was by herself.

[Street signs indicating the intersection of Rue Connaught and Rue Cambridge on a wooden sign post, a stop sign just barely visible to the bottom right. Trees with reddened leaves stand still behind the street signs and many overhead wires.]

[Mary, standing at her kitchen sink washing dishes. She uses a cloth to wash a white bowl and then a silver pan.

>> Chris Boucher: Now she has to do it all herself.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: She had two jobs.

[Mary stands in her kitchen, cleaning.]

>> Mary McVane: I wanted them to be better than I was. I wanted them to have a — a good job. I want them to have a good life.

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

>> Chris: Seeing her at eight a.m. She had to pick us from school, she had to cook the food. When she come back, she’s tired.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting. Close-up of Chris.]

>> Mary McVane: You don’t think of anything else. You work and you take care of your kids.

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: That’s the (indistinct) she give to all of us, and I think that’s the one thing that made who I am.

[Blurred photograph of a younger Mary with three young children standing in front, her hands resting on two of them, in front of a doorway.]

>> Chris Boucher: And that definitely built my character.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I got a — a beef with my mom’s boyfriend.

[Calm street image pans from a splash pad surrounded by a black gated fence with large leafy green trees around, to a gravel alleyway beside a three-story, red-brick apartment building. Image moves to profile of the apartment building, showing the top two stories. Large paned windows with white trim can be seen behind a large, leafy green tree.]

>> Chris Boucher: My mom was in a situation where she doesn’t know what to do ‘cause we don’t have money. So, if we leave, we don’t have no place. We’re homeless. Everybody, my sisters, she’s young, my brother, so she doesn’t wanna do that. Or I leave.

[Chris sits in front of a paned glass wall, the Toronto skyline in the background.]

>> Chris Boucher: I had to, you know, stop school —

[Exterior images of a stark white school, Ecole Louis Joseph-Papineau, with red accents around windows.]

>> Chris Boucher: — and go get my own money. I felt like that was the only way I could help, really.

[A large yellow St. Hubert sign stands at the side of an urban street dotted with buildings, two minivans parked in front. Next image is of a closed red lettering saying “St. Hubert” on the front of a black restaurant. Next image is of a close of a large yellow St. Hubert sign with a chicken with a large red comb, large comedic eyes, a yellow beak and blue bow tie, giving a thumbs up. Camera pans back to the red “St Hubert” lettering on the front of a black restaurant, three yellow pot lights evenly spaced, pointing down underneath.”]                          

>> Chris Boucher: So at least it’s one child less that she gotta pay for.

[Chris Boucher speaking in darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I was like, 16, 17 already.

[Car traffic with headlights on, approach on the left side of a six-lane divided road. Tall street lights towering over both sides of the road line the dividing marker, with large, leafy green trees lining both sides, two and three-story houses faintly visible behind.]

>> Chris Boucher: Sometimes I was going to my dad, when he allowed me.

[Close-up of a white bus-stop sign with blue banners reading stm. Route numbers 69, Night service 380, and Express 439 are indicated.]

>> Chris Boucher: And sometimes I was with my mom. Sometimes I was with my cousins.

[Blurred blue and white public transit bus approaches down a city street, cars parked to the right and storefronts in the distance.]

>> Chris Boucher: Sometimes I was in the bus.

[Sky at dusk with light, wispy white clouds. A single street light to the left and a single green, leafy tree to the right pass high above from the bottom of the screen to the top.

>> Chris Boucher: I was riding the bus from Rue Bourassa —

[Street lights glow in the dark night sky.]

>> Chris Boucher: — all the way to the west side of Montreal —

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: — ‘cause I didn’t have a place, and like, you know, in Canada it’s pretty cold, so it’s better to be in the bus than outside. And I was doing that for at least two years, for sure,

[The inside of an empty public transit but. Single seats with hand bars and stop indication signals are lined towards the front of the bus. The empty bus travels down the road, passing guardrails. Sunlight begins at dawn. A bus is travelling and out the window is a townhouse-lined street with several cars parallel-parked in front. Street lights on the top side of a bridge pass by gently.]

>> Chris Boucher: — which is like, you know, it’s like a roller coaster not having a stable place, it can break you down.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: Basketball was a safe place to me, just because it was a place where I could be myself.

[Chris stands on the free-throw line at a practice basketball court, with red panels surrounding the court. A large white fan is off in the distance to the right. To the left, two players jockey against each other for ball possession. Chris dribbles the ball, then stands and free-throws the basketball into the net, the ball swooshing through the net.]

>> Chris Boucher: I used basketball to like, kinda, an anxiety release —

[Chris Boucher stands, walks over to the side, stops, bends over with his hands on his knees, watching other players on the court. Chris then dribbles the ball around an opponent. Approaching the net, the opponent, standing behind Chris, puts his hand up to block the shot. Chris pivots around the opponent, jumps, and shoots the ball into the net.]

>> Chris Boucher: — and kinda have a moment where you know, I’m just focusing on the game, and nothing else. Like, whatever happens in my life, I wasn’t thinking about it when I was playing. That’s really what was therapy for me.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I had five friends in Montreal North and we were —we used to play basketball all the time. And they were like, “Oh, there’s that little tournament every year, and you know, you can win money.”

[Close up of chain-link fence lining an outdoor basketball court, the net standing in the distance against a colourful blue, pink, and yellow playing surface. Close up of chain-link fence behind the basketball net. Basketball net with red, white, and blue net stands still against a backdrop of deciduous trees, leaves changing from green to yellow. Close-up shots of basketball net.]

>> Chris Boucher: So, I was like, “Oh, well, guess what? That -- that’s something I need.” I had like 44 points, and that’s probably the one time that I really felt like, okay, I can do something with that ball, and I can really get — you know, to somewhere. And then, I got recruited.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: That’s really what set it up for me.

[Chris Boucher, wearing a blue JA jersey number 21 stands from the right in the back of two rows, with his teammates. Chris, with short dreadlocks in his hair, smiles brightly.]

>> Chris Boucher: Having my three meals a day, school, and all that.

[Chris Boucher, wearing blue JA jersey number 21, sits on the bench between two teammates, watching the game unfold in front of them. Next image, Chris wearing a white JA jersey number 21, runs up the middle. His teammate makes a flying pass with the ball over to Chris. Chris jumps and slam dunks the basketball.]

>> Chris Boucher: So just having a structure, having a place where to go to sleep.

[Images of Chris wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts, slam-dunking basketballs repeatedly.]

>> Chris Boucher: That I knew I was gonna go, I think that’s when it really started.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Announcer 1: Ah, we know Boucher can shoot that.

>> Announcer 2: Nice pass.

>> Announcer 1: Instead he goes that way.

[Pac-12 game. Chris Boucher playing for University of Oregon. Wearing a yellow jersey, Chris passes to a teammate. Chris moves around an opposing player in blue. Chris’ teammate passes back; Chris receives the ball, jumps, and slam dunks the basketball.]

>> Announcer 1: We see how handled — ooh, rejection by Chris Boucher!

[Chris Boucher playing for University of Oregon, wearing a green jersey, jumps up at the net as an opposing player attempts to shoot the ball into the net. The ball is swatted away by Chris Boucher, who then stops, looks up, and cheers for his play.]

>> Announcer 1: All right, Boucher! Are you joking?!

[Chris Boucher, wearing a green University of Oregon uniform, runs up the outside of the basketball court as two opposing players in yellow run alongside. Chris Boucher cuts across, approaches the net, and slam dunks the basketball into the net.]

>> Chris Boucher: I started thinking about NBA after my “Sports Illustrated” magazine in Oregon.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: That was when like, I was like, “Okay, I’m somebody.”

[Close up of Sports Illustrated magazine with Chris Boucher on the cover, wearing yellow number 25 for University of Oregon with the headline “DUCK Tale”.]

>> Chris Boucher: I mean Lebron was in there.

[Sports Illustrated cover featuring a young LeBron James.]

>> Chris Boucher: I’m hearing NBA, money —

[Chris sits in front of a paned glass wall, the Toronto skyline with the CN Tower in the background.]

>> Chris Boucher: — everything. I’m gettin’ everything. This is what I’m thinking.

[Slow-motion images of Chris Boucher continuing to play for University of Oregon. Chris, wearing white, blocks an opponent from shooting. Chris, wearing yellow runs forward and high fives a teammate. Chris wearing white runs beside an opponent in black.]

>> Chris Boucher: And then, blew my ACL the semi-final of the championship for Pac-12.

[Chris sits in front of a paned glass wall, the Toronto skyline in the background.]

>> Chris Boucher: And then, after that I’m like, okay, well obviously I’m not — I’m probably not gonna get drafted.

[Chris Boucher, holding a basketball, sitting in street clothes with a large black brace around his leg sits in a black folding chair beside the basketball court, talking to a teammate, dressed in a white t-shirt and green shorts rolling on a foam roller. Chris, wearing street clothes with a large black leg brace, walks down blurred airplane steps.]

>> Chris Boucher: I watched the whole draft, obviously. Nobody picks my name.

[Darkened arena with a lit-up centre jumbotron scoreboard at Barclays Center indicating NBA Draft 17. Close-up, Draft 17 draft pick names.]

>> Chris Boucher: So, they sign me with Golden State. I was like, super happy, I’m like, about to go with the champions.

[Chris sits in front of a paned glass wall, the Toronto skyline in the background.]

>> Chris Boucher: But then they send me to the Santa Cruz, which is the G League.

[Still of Chris Boucher in a white Golden State Warriors uniform wearing number 25; Chris holding a Spalding basketball between his hands. Chris, wearing a Santa Cruz number 25 jersey jumps alongside an opponent in white, at the net.]

>> Chris Boucher: That’s where I lost it ‘cause I was like, “What am I doing here?

[Chris sits in front of a paned glass wall, the Toronto skyline in the background.]

>> Chris Boucher: Like, I’m leading the G-League and I thought I was an NBA player.”

[Chris standing on a basketball court in blue warm-up clothes, holding a basketball between his hands, about to shoot. Image of Chris Boucher running up the court, holding the basketball between his hands to the left of his body, looking at the net, while an opponent, to his right, wearing black, puts his arm up in attempt to block a shot.]

>> Chris Boucher: Golden State, they’re like —

[In a Warriors jersey, Chris and two other players jump up at the net, arms all raised. Next image, Chris and a teammate sit on the sidelines in front of fans, watching the game.]

>> Chris Boucher: — “Okay, well, you know what, we don’t want you on this team no more.”

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: And that’s where I went on a rollercoaster of emotion.

>> Chris Boucher: I already felt like I’ve been through so much just to get there.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I felt like he just crushed everything that I’ve worked for, and that was like, the really bad time in my life.

[Chris, with a hoodie covering his head, headphones over top, walks down a blurred street at night time, the streetlights shining in the distance.]

>> Mary McVane: I hug him and I said,

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

>> Mary McVane: “It’s not over yet. It's not over yet.” And I said to him —

[Faint shadow of Chris, dressed in black, stands underneath a basketball net, on a dark basketball court, light faintly coming in from a window to the top right. Chris stands on the dark basketball court, looking towards the floor.]

>> Mary McVane: -- "you’re going to go and win a championship somewhere else."

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

>> Mary McVane: "You bring me back that championship ring."

>> Chris Boucher: After she left St. Lucia to come to Canada, it would be really selfish for me to just give up. She did the biggest sacrifice for bringing us over here, so that’s what made me keep going.

[Close-up of Chris wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a blue bucket hat, a friend sitting beside. Image pans across a large banquet table to Mary seated beside a male with long dreadlocks. Image pans out to reveal a large banquet table with a crisp, white table cloth, and China settings, with Chris and two friends on one side seated across from Mary and three friends on the other. All laugh. Chris and friends raise glasses in a toast. Mary and the friends on the other side of the table bring their glasses to meet, and all clink glasses together.]

>> Chris Boucher: And I went to Toronto and that’s when everything blew up. I mean, I was — I stayed level-headed —

[Chris Boucher wearing a Toronto Raptors jersey on the court, with a stadium of fans behind, holds the basketball in his right hand, about to dribble, left arm outstretched. Next, Chris has the basketball in his left hand, about to run, as an opponent is down on the floor in a crab position, looking at Chris. Chris holds the ball at face level, as an opponent behind rests his hand on Chris’ back and attempt to block a pass.]

>> Chris Boucher: —I did exactly what a lot of people, successful people, do, they learn, they learn, they learn, and when it’s their time to shine, they take it.

[Chris Boucher speaking in darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: They showed me what it is to be a professional, how to come to practice every day.

[Chris training. First, Chris stands on his right leg, bent over, arm outstretched holding on to a cable. Chris stands straight bringing the cable handle towards him and the left knee up and through to his chest. Chris wearing headphones, lunges to the side, while holding a basketball at face level.]

>> Chris Boucher: After that, I was like, okay, well now I know what it is to be a pro. You give me a chance, took it.

[Images of Chris wearing a Raptors uniform, slam dunking while an opponent looks on below, challenging an opponent to a ball in the air at the net, slam dunking a basketball.]

>> Chris Boucher: And then, made me what I am now.

[Chris Boucher speaking in darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: Got the G League MVP, got the Defensive Player of the Year.

[Chris Boucher holding two trophies, standing with two officials in suits. Close-up of trophy plate “NBA G League 2018-19 Defensive Player of the Year Chris Boucher”.

>> Chris Boucher: And then, after that, we won a championship the same year.

[Team Photo of Toronto Raptors players wearing NBA champion t-shirts with Team officials in suits crowded around.]

[Chris Boucher in the championship parade, with a Canadian flag around his neck, sprays champagne as two teammates look on. Next, Chris Boucher wearing a backwards black hat with NBA championship t-shirt and a Canadian flag around his shoulders, holds the Larry O’Brien Trophy. Next a still of the Montreal skyline. Fans behind yellow barricades stand holding cell phones as Chris Boucher on stage raises the Larry O’Brien Trophy while an MC standing beside Chris raises his left hand in the air in a fist pump.]

>> Chris Boucher: Taking the Larry O’Brien Trophy to Montreal was a one-time opportunity. Show it to the kids, listen, it’s possible.

[Children stand behind yellow barricades cheering. Chris, holding the Larry O’Brien Trophy, sits amongst children, posing for a photograph.]

>> Chris Boucher: You can get there. You can get to the NBA.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: If I could save a kid from going what I’ve been through. I know what it is to not have anything, and so, that’s what I’m focused on the most in my foundation is to make sure that I give a way for the kids to have fun and they know that —

[Chris Boucher enters a gymnasium. Chris high-fives a group of children, all dressed in camp t-shirts. The children, on the court, hold basketballs while one child dribbles the ball around Chris’ legs. The child makes a jump shot and Chris leans to his right to block the shot. Another child fakes a jump shot and Chris walks past. The child waits for him to pass, then shoots the ball at the net. Chris stands  in front of a photo screen with Puma and Gold Level logos, taking photos with the children.]

>> Chris Boucher: — they gotta work hard and that it’s possible to make it.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I just signed for three years, 35.25.

[ESPN News article titled “Chris Boucher back with Toronto Raptors for 3 years, $35.25 million, agent says”, with scrolling yellow highlighting over “3 years, $35.25 million.”]

>> Chris Boucher: Mom!

>> Mary McVane: Are you there?

>> Chris Boucher: Did you see the news?

>> Mary McVane: Yes.

[Chris sits in the backseat of a large SUV, facetiming his mother on the phone.]

>> Chris Boucher: Are you happy?

>> Mary McVane: As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.

[SBNation headline “Report: Chris Boucher to stay with Raptors on 3-year, $35 million deal” and TSN headline “ Raptors re-sign Canadian C Boucher to multi-year deal”.]

>> Chris Boucher: Thank you, Mom. That was definitely like —

[Chris sits in the backseat of a large SUV, Facetiming his mother on the phone.]

>> Chris Boucher: — the one day where I was like, okay, I’m here. Like, I am actually where I’m — wanted to be. You know, I can help my family.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: Now I can take care of them financially. When I signed my contract, my mom was still working at the grocery store. She’d been working at the grocery store for a long, long time.

[Chris, Mary, and friends are seated four a side, across from each other at a long banquet table set with silver candelabras and China place settings. Chris speaks then laughs; Mary, pointing her finger in Chris’ direction, speaks.]

>> Chris Boucher: I told her to stop working.

[Chris Boucher speaking in darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Mary McVane: I told him, “Kid, why would you go on television and say something like that?” I said, “You think that will stop me? He goes, I hope so. (Clicks teeth.) Ah."

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

>> Chris Boucher: I got herself a house.

(Exterior of brown-brick house with black shingling and white fascia. Two white front doors in the centre, with large windows either side. On the second story a three-panelled window on the left, while on the right, a large sliding glass door stepping out to a balcony.

>> Chris Boucher: She was happy. I let her choose it. She just never got the chance so —

[Close-up of Chris Boucher speaking in a darkened basketball court interview setting.

>> Chris Boucher: — that’s something I wanted to give her.

>> Mary McVane: Much more space than where we were. Wow! I’m grateful he did it.

[Mary standing in the house in front of a large wall of brown, wooden cupboard doors, moving boxes piled high behind. Mary takes a peek inside the cupboard. Mary looks at the moving boxes. Mary twirls two hangers with stark white cotton shirts, and moves towards the cupboards.]

>> Mary McVane: And the one thing by having a house, when he comes home, we could all be together.

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

>> Mary McVane: And that makes me very happy.

[Chris and three friends sit at a round wooden kitchen table, a dark red brick wall behind, playing dominoes. One player places a domino tile. Chris speaking to the other players. Two players shake hands.]

>> Chris Boucher: If I look at my whole life and think what got me here, the one thing I’d say is —

[Chris, in a red Raptors uniform stands bent at the waist, right hand outstretched, reaching towards LeBron James, wearing a white LA Lakers uniform, holding a basketball in his hands, to the left of his body.]

>> Chris Boucher: — watching my mom go through what she went through.

[Chris Boucher speaking on a darkened basketball court interview setting.]

>> Mary McVane: I’m very, extremely happy for him.

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

>> Mary McVane: He deserve it more than anybody I know.

[Mary and Chris stand to the right of a patio table at night time. Globe lights strung across overhead light the sky. Mary cuts a slice of cake and places it on a plate.]

>> Mary McVane: He deserve to be happy.

[Mary and Chris stand on a sandy beach, large palm trees in the distance with blue umbrellas shading white lounge chairs. Waves are lapping gently. Chris’ left arm is around Mary’s shoulders and they are both looking at a phone Chris is holding in his right hand.]

>> Chris Boucher: I’m super happy with what she did because she gave us a better life.

>> Mary McVane: And if he’s happy —

[Chris and several friends are seated on a boat travelling in the ocean towards a large cliff. Chris, Mary, and friends then standing on the boat, Chris’ arm around Mary, Chris singing.]

>> Mary McVane: — what more can I ask for?

[Close-up of Mary speaking in interview setting.]

[Silhouette of Chris Boucher dribbling a basketball in a dark basketball court.]

[Title “Bags 2 Riches.]

(basketball thumping)        

[Silhouette of Chris in a dark basketball court shoots the ball towards a basketball net that is brightly lit by incoming sunlight. The “Simplii Financial” logo buzzes on to screen.]

(basketball clunks off rim)

[Screen fades to black, Simplii Financial logo fades.]